"Let the Children Come to Me" - Matthew 19:14
Sunday morning sessions are for our Pre K through 5th grade.
Monday evening sessions are for our 6th through 8th grade.
Preparation for Sacrament of Confirmation starts for your child in the 8th grade year and then receiving the sacrament at the end of 9th grade. Our diocese requires two consecutive years of class/formation.
Preparation for Sacrament of First Communion starts for your child in the 1st grade and then receiving the sacrament at the end of 2nd grade. Our diocese requires two consecutive years of class/formation.
**Children 5 years of age and older who are in need of Baptism please contact Mary Ellen Durante.
**Children 9 years of age and older who are in need of 1st Communion or teens 14 years of age and older who are in need of Confirmation please contact Mary Ellen Durante.
Classes start in August. Questions? Contact Dr. Mary Ellen Durante 937-4050 ext. 220 or mdurante@ignatius.net.
Register here: wesharegiving.org/App/Form/4afc8b30-d5aa-46f0-8be2-868b4141d0e9
The cost of Faith Formation for children not receiving a sacrament is $60 for 1 child, plus $30 for each additional child. For children receiving the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion or Confirmation, the fee is $100. Please note that no family will be denied Faith Formation due to financial reasons. Payments can be made online via WeShare by selecting “Faith Formation” as the fund, or you can pay by cash or check. Please make checks payable to St. Ignatius, and bring payment and your Registration form to the Faith Formation office or mail to:
St. Ignatius of Antioch
Office of Faith Formation
715 E. Orange St.
Tarpon Springs, FL 34689